June 13, 2020 |
Step-By-Step: ISCSI Target Server Cluster In AzureStep-By-Step: ISCSI Target Server Cluster In AzureI recently helped someone build an iSCSI target server cluster in Azure and realized that I never wrote a step-by-step guide for that particular configuration. So to remedy that, here are the step-by-step instructions in case you need to do this yourself. Pre-RequisitesI’m going to assume you are fairly familiar with Azure and Windows Server, so I’m going to spare you some of the details. Let’s assume you have at least done the following as a pre-requisite
Create Local Storage PoolOnce again, this step is completely optional, but for increased IOPS we are going to stripe together three Azure Premium Disks into a single Storage Pool. You might be tempted to use Dynamic Disk and a spanned volume instead, but don’t do that! If you use dynamic disks you will find out that there is some general incompatibility that will prevent you from creating iSCSI targets later. Don’t worry, creating a local Storage Pool is pretty straight forward if you are aware of the pitfalls you might encounter as described below. The official documentation can be found here. Pitfall #1 – although the documentation says the minimum size for a volume to be used in a storage pool is 4 GB, I found that the P1 Premium Disk (4GB) was NOT recognized. So in my lab I used 16GB P3 Premium Disks. Pitfall #2 – you HAVE to have at least three disks to create a Storage Pool. Pitfall #3 – create your Storage Pool before you create your cluster. If you try to do it after you create your cluster you are going to wind up with a big mess as Microsoft tries to create a clustered storage pool for you. We are NOT going to create a clustered storage pool, so avoid that mess by creating your Storage Pool before you create the cluster. If you have to add a Storage Pool after the cluster is created you will first have to evict the node from the cluster, then create the Storage Pool. Based on the documentation found here, below are the screenshots that represent what you should see when you build your local Storage Pool on each of the two cluster nodes. Complete these steps on both servers BEFORE you build the cluster. You should see the Primordial pool on both servers. Right-click and choose New Storage Pool… Choose Create a virtual disk when this wizard closes Notice here you could create storage tiers if you decided to use a combination of Standard, Premium and Ultra SSD For best performance use Simple storage layout (RAID 0). Don’t be concerned about reliability since Azure Managed Disks have triple redundancy on the backend. Simple is required for optimal performance. For performance purposes use Fixed provisioning. You are already paying for the full Premium disk anyway, so no need not to use it all. Create Your ClusterNow that each server each have their own 45 GB X drive, we are going to create the basic cluster. Creating a cluster in Azure is best done via Powershell so that we can specify a static IP address. If you do it through the GUI you will soon realize that Azure assigns your cluster IP a duplicate IP address that you will have to clean up, so don’t do that! Here is an example Powershell code to create a new cluster.
The output will look something like this.
The warning in the report will tell you that there is no witness. Because there is no shared storage in this cluster you will have to create either a Cloud Witness or a File Share Witness. I’m not going to walk you through that process as it is pretty well documented at those links. Don’t put this off, go ahead and create the witness now before you move to the next step! You now should have a basic 2-node cluster that looks something like this. Configure A Load Balancer For The Cluster Core IP AddressClusters in Azure are unique in that the Azure virtual network does not support gratuitous ARP. Don’t worry if you don’t know what that means, all you have to really know is that cluster IP addresses can’t be reached directly. Instead, you have to use an Azure Load Balancer, which redirects the client connection to the active cluster node. There are two steps to getting a load balancer configured for a cluster in Azure. The first step is to create the load balancer. The second step is to update the cluster IP address so that it listens for the load balancer’s health probe and uses a subnet mask which enables you to avoid IP address conflicts with the ILB. We will first create a load balancer for the cluster core IP address. Later we will edit the load balancer to also address the iSCSI cluster resource IP address that we will be created at the end of this document. Notice that the static IP address we are using is the same address that we used to create the core cluster IP resource. Once the load balancer is created you will edit the load balancer as shown below Add the two cluster nodes to the backend pool Add the two cluster nodes to the backend pool Add a health probe. In this example we use 59999 as the port. Remember that port, we will need it in the next step. Create a new rue to redirect all HA ports, Make sure Floating IP is enabled. STEP 2 – EDIT TO CLUSTER CORE IP ADDRESS TO WORK WITH THE LOAD BALANCERAs I mentioned earlier, there are two steps to getting the load balancer configured to work properly. Now that we have a load balancer, we have to run a Powershell script on one of the cluster nodes. The following is an example script that needs to be run on one of the cluster nodes.
The important thing about the script above, besides getting all the variables correct for your environment, is making sure the ProbePort is set to the same port you defined in your load balancer settings for this particular IP address. You will see later that we will create a 2nd health probe for the iSCSI cluster IP resource that will use a different port. The other important thing is making sure you leave the subnet set at It may look wrong, but that is what it needs to be set to. After you run it the output should look like this.
You will need to take the core cluster IP resource offline and bring it back online again before it will function properly with the load balancer. Assuming you did everything right in creating your load balancer, your Server Manager on both servers should list your cluster as Online as shown below. Check Server Manager on both cluster nodes. Your cluster should show as “Online” under Manageability. Install DataKeeperI won’t go through all the steps here, but basically at this point you are ready to install SIOS DataKeeper on both cluster nodes. It’s a pretty simple setup, just run the setup and choose all the defaults. If you run into any problems with DataKeeper it is usually one of two things. The first issue is the service account. You need to make sure the account you are using to run the DataKeeper service is in the Local Administrators Group on each node. The second issue is in regards to firewalls. Although the DataKeeper install will update the local Windows Firewall automatically, if your network is locked down you will need to make sure the cluster nodes can communicate with each other across the required DataKeeper ports. In addition, you need to make sure the ILB health probe can reach your servers. Once DataKeeper is installed you are ready to create your first DataKeeper job. Complete the following steps for each volume you want to replicate using the DataKeeper interface. Use the DataKeeper interface to connect to both servers Click on create new job and give it a name Click Yes to register the DataKeeper volume in the cluster Once the volume is registered it will appear in Available Storage in Failover Cluster Manager Create The ISCSI Target Server ClusterIn this next step we will create the iSCSI target server role in our cluster. In an ideal world I would have a Powershell script that does all this for you, but for sake of time for now I’m just going to show you how to do it through the GUI. If you happen to write the Powershell code please feel free to share with the rest of us! There is one problem with the GUI method. ou will wind up with a duplicate IP address in when the IP Resource is created, which will cause your cluster resource to fail until we fix it. I’ll walk through that process as well. Go to the Properties of the failed IP Address resource and choose Static IP and select an IP address that is not in use on your network. Remember this address, we will use it in our next step when we update the load balancer. You should now be able to bring the iSCSI cluster resource online. Update Load Balancer For ISCSI Target Server Cluster ResourceLike I mentioned earlier, clients can’t connect directly to the cluster IP address ( we just created for the iSCSI target server cluster. We will have to update the load balancer we created earlier as shown below. Start by adding a new frontend IP address that uses the same IP address that the iSCSI Target cluster IP resource uses. Add a second health probe on a different port. Remember this port number, we will use it again in the powershell script we run next We add one more load balancing rule. Make sure to change the Frontend IP address and Health probe to use the ones we just created. Also make sure direct server return is enabled. The final step to allow the load balancer to work is to run the following Powershell script on one of the cluster nodes. Make sure you use the new Healthprobe port, IP address and IP Resource name.
Your output should look like this.
Make sure to take the resource offline and online for the settings to take effect. Create Your Clustered ISCSI TargetsBefore you begin, it is best to check to make sure Server Manager from BOTH servers can see the two cluster nodes, plus the two cluster name resources, and they both appear “Online” under manageability as shown below. If either server has an issue querying either of those cluster names then the next steps will fail. If there is a problem I would double check all the steps you took to create the load balancer and the Powershell scripts you ran. We are now ready to create our first clustered iSCSI targets. From either of the cluster nodes, follows the steps illustrated below as an example on how to create iSCSI targets. Of course assign this to whichever server or servers will be connecting to this iSSI target. And there you have it, you now have a functioning iSCSI target server in Azure. If you build this leave a comment and me know how you plan to use it! Articles reproduced with permission from Clusteringwithmeremortals |
June 9, 2020 |
Solution Brief: SANless Clusters for Hybrid Cloud EnvironmentsSolution Brief: SANless Clusters for Hybrid Cloud EnvironmentsSIOS SANless clusters are an easy, cost-efficient way to add disaster protection to your physical server-based cluster environment without the cost and complexity of an additional data center or disaster recovery site. Add a SIOS SANless cluster node in a cloud to your physical server-based cluster environment for efficient, real time, block level replication and disaster protection for your business critical applications. SIOS software enables failover of application instances across geographic locations and cloud availability zones or regions to provide site-wide, local, and regional disaster protection. SIOS SANless software lets you build a cluster using the local storage available to your physical, virtual, or cloud systems. SIOS software keeps local storage synchronized for high availability protection without the need for shared storage. Configuration flexibilityWhether you want to protect applications in a physical server, a private cloud within your organization, in a public cloud or a hybrid cloud, SIOS SANless software gives you the flexibility to build a fully automated, application-centric cluster and replication solution with your choice of industry standard hardware, replication schema, and deployment (active/active, active/passive). ![]() SIOS software lets you replicate between the configurations of your choice – between SAN and SANless environments and any combination of physical, virtual, and cloud configurations. No vendor lock in. No need for identical hardware at the source and destination. Easy to use. Easy to ownYou can build a SIOS SANless cluster and configure it in minutes using our intuitive interface. SIOS also makes monitoring and management of your clusters easy. The user-friendly management console lets you monitor the status of protected servers, communication paths, resources and applications at glance. Key BenefitsDisaster Protection• Easy, cost efficient high availability and disaster protection for business critical applications Flexibility• Mix physical server and cloud environments for maximum efficiency. Ease of Use• Intuitive console for easy ongoing monitoring and management. Download Solution Brief on SANless Clusters for Hybrid Cloud Environments |
Solution Brief: SANless Cluster Solutions for Virtual Server EnvironmentsSolution Brief: SANless Cluster Solutions for Virtual Server EnvironmentsSIOS SANless software lets you build a cluster in a virtualized environment without the need for shared storage. You can use any local storage types available and provided by the hypervisor. SIOS software uses efficient block-level replication to keep local storage synchronized, enabling the standby servers in your cluster to continue to operate after a failover with access to the most recent data. Cluster virtual machinesSIOS SANless software lets you create a cluster using virtual machines sitting on top of any hypervisor (VMware, Xen, Microsoft Hyper-V, and others). It uses real-time replication to synchronize storage on the primary VM with storage on a standby VM located in the same data center, in your disaster recovery site, or both. In the event of a disaster, the standby VM can be brought into service immediately, eliminating the hours needed for restoration from back-up media. You simply access the replicated VMs in the DR site directly. Hyper-V host clustering that supports Live MigrationsIn Microsoft Hyper-V environments, SIOS SANless software allows you to cluster entire Hyper-V host machines at the hypervisor level for complete VM portability and failover protection. By keeping a real-time copy of the running VM synchronized on an alternate Hyper-V host, SIOS software allows you to easily failover or Live Migrate a VM from one Hyper-V host to another. You get complete portability to move individual VMs or all of the VMs on a host to another Hyper-V host in the cluster. Build a SIOS SANless cluster using virtual servers (A). In Microsoft Hyper-V environments (B), SIOS SANless clusters can be used at the virtual machine level for easy Live Migrations and complete server portability. Easy disaster recovery testingSIOS software also lets you restore replicated VMs to perform disaster recovery testing without disruption to the production site. When testing is complete, SIOS software eliminates changes that were made on the target server during the testing and resumes the replication from where it stopped. Download Solution Brief on SANless Cluster Solutions for Virtual Server Environments |
May 17, 2020 |
Solution Brief: High Availability for SQL Server in Amazon Cloud EnvironmentsSolution Brief: High Availability for SQL Server in Amazon Cloud EnvironmentsSIOS software provides a simple, cost-efficient way to provide high availability protection for SQL Server in the Amazon Web Services Cloud. Add SIOS DataKeeper Cluster Edition software to a Windows Server Failover Clustering Environment such as SQL Server Always On Failover Cluster Instance (FCI) to create a cloud-friendly SANless cluster. Use AWS Quickstart deployment templates to create a SIOS SANless cluster in minutes. Fast, Cost-Efficient Way to Add High AvailabilityLike all traditional failover clustering solutions, SQL Server FCI environments require the use of a shared storage. This requirement makes them impractical or impossible in public cloud environments, including Amazon Web Services. SIOS SANless clustering software eliminates this requirement in an environment that is fully integrated with Windows Server Failover Clustering. SIOS software adds the flexibility to protect your business critical applications such as SQL Server Standard or Enterprise Edition in Windows or Linux and any combination of physical, virtual, and cloud environments. Fast, Efficient SynchronizationSIOS software uses highly efficient block-level replication to synchronize storage in all cluster nodes in realtime to create a SANless cluster. By replicating data volumes at the block level, SIOS software use significantly fewer system resources, makes more efficient use of the available bandwidth and transfers more data faster across than file-based replication alternatives. As a result, SIOS software delivers incredibly fast replication speeds—without hardware accelerators or compression devices. You get efficient storage without the cost or configuration limitations of a traditional SAN-based environment. Failover Across Availability Zones for Disaster ProtectionIt keeps real-time copies of data synchronized across multiple nodes and across EC2 Availability Zones (AZs) for availability and disaster protection. High Availability with SQL Server Standard EditionSIOS DataKeeper Cluster Edition software can be used with SQL Server Standard Edition FCI to create a cost-efficient high availability cluster without the need for more costly SQL Server Enterprise Edition licenses. Key BenefitsEnables Clustering in the Cloud• Makes cluster failover protection in cloud environments possible by eliminating the need for shared storage. • Fully integrated with Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) Protection for Applications and Data• High availability and disaster protection in a cloud environment. Ease of Use• AWS Quick Start deployment templates • Intuitive console for easy ongoing AWS monitoring and management. Download our Solution Brief High Availability for SQL Server in Amazon Cloud Environments |
May 12, 2020 |
Case Study: Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Hospital Ensures High Availability in the AWS Cloud with SIOS DataKeeperCase Study: Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Hospital Ensures High Availability in the AWS Cloud with SIOS DataKeeperSIOS Chosen for its Ability to Deliver both High Availability and High Performance |