May 23, 2021 |
Glossary: Disaster RecoveryGlossary of Terms: Disaster RecoveryDefinition: Provides a structured approach for responding to unplanned incidents that threaten a company’s IT infrastructure. Disaster recovery protection typically involves ensuring redundancy and geographic separation of business-critical operations, data, and systems. Reproduced from SIOS |
May 19, 2021 |
Glossary: Data ReplicationGlossary of Terms: Data ReplicationDefinition: The practices of copying information between redundant servers and keeping the copies consistent to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or accessibility. Reproduced from SIOS |
May 13, 2021 |
Glossary: Database ReplicationGlossary of Terms: Database ReplicationDefinition: The practice of copying data from a database in one computer or server to a database in another to create a distributed database in which multiple users can access data at once. SIOS Datakeeper provides host-level, block level replication. Reproduced from SIOS |
May 9, 2021 |
Glossary: Cluster Software, Clustering SoftwareGlossary Of Terms: Cluster Software, Clustering SoftwareDefinition: Software that enables IT to configure a group of servers to work together. If the software detects that one of the servers, or nodes fails or that the application running on the server is no longer accessible by end users, it moves the application operation to another node in the cluster. Windows Server Failover Clustering, SIOS Protection Suite are examples of Clustering Software. Reproduced from SIOS |
May 3, 2021 |
Glossary: Cloud MigrationGlossary Of Terms: Cloud MigrationDefinition: Cloud migration is the process of moving application environments and data, from on-premises data centers into a cloud-based infrastructure.This process requires detailed planning to ensure that the application environment in the cloud meets expectations for operational efficiency and availability protection. Reproduced from SIOS |