September 5, 2024 |
How to get the most out of your “GET” commands in DataKeeperHow to get the most out of your “GET” commands in DataKeeperIn part 2 of the three-part DataKeeper dashboard blog series, this blog is a follow up from DataKeeper UI vs. Car Dashboards blog. As with your car, when those indicators (traffic light colors) on your dashboard flash, you pop the hood to identify what they represent. Starting points:
“Popping the hood” on your DataKeeper Cluster Edition software has several similarities and it often means using command line interface for DataKeeper Administration. As for Using EMCMD (Extended Mirroring Command) with SIOS DataKeeper, the GET commands make up 1/3 of the most commonly used tasks/commands of the approximately 48 commands. Note that they are informational only and will not impact your nodes. Below are a few helpful Get commands and their usage to identify the reasons for warning colors in your DataKeeper User Interface/DataKeeper.msc (traffic light colors) in the areas of Storage, Networking and Other. Note: From an elevated/Administrator command prompt as always use: cd %extmirrbase% (This is just a shortcut to the install path <root>\Program Files (x86)\SIOS\DataKeeper>) Obtaining Status of your DataKeeper MirrorsA great place to start your initial triage below:
Cross-referencing DataKeeper “GET” commands to various Windows Server Commands
Take Charge of DataKeeper: Apply Your GET Command Knowledge NowNow that you are armed with some basic knowledge about the lights on your car’s dashboard you will become a DIYer when it comes to DataKeeper Administration in blog 3 in the DataKeeper Dashboard series. Reproduced with permission from SIOS |
August 30, 2024 |
6 High Availability Lessons Learned from Cybersecurity Nightmares6 High Availability Lessons Learned from Cybersecurity NightmaresRecently, a security provider reported some best practice advice and recommendations for companies in light of rising security threats. While security threats should receive attention from every business, this advice isn’t limited to cybersecurity; it is equally relevant to HA partners and customers with critical applications and services to protect. Six Takeaways for HA From Recent Articles on Cybersecurity
Act Now to Protect Your Systems from DowntimeSimilar to security recommendations, companies should take immediate action to secure their systems, solutions, applications and data from downtime and disasters. Don’t wait for a disaster to reveal gaps in your HA strategy. Contact SIOS today to enhance your HA strategy and safeguard your business against unexpected disruptions. Reproduced with permission from SIOS |
August 24, 2024 |
DataKeeper UI vs. Car Dashboards: A Guide to High Availability MonitoringDataKeeper UI vs. Car Dashboards: A Guide to High Availability MonitoringBesides sharing the enjoyment of using DataKeeper Cluster Edition with its high availability and disaster recovery capabilities, most of us have something else in common . . . we drive a car … electric, gasoline or a hybrid. As of 2022, Forbes states that 92% of households owned at least one car. And those millions of cars have a few things in common with DataKeeper . . . A dashboard with status indicators. In DataKeeper’s case, the user interface (DataKeeper.msc) has what are known as Mirror Definitions or Mirror Status. In cars, indicators are affectionately known as “dashboard lights” or for some of you Gen(eration) Xers may call them “idiot lights” Let’s jump right in and talk about the similarities. All cars have some level of combustion (fuel), electric (or not) and cooling abilities; thus the associated lights on the dashboard are usually in the colors of Red, Yellow and Green. Like a car dashboard, the DataKeeper UI has the “traffic light” schema in the Console Tree. As we mentioned, the possible scenarios in troubleshooting a car, e.g. battery, fuel problems, engine overheating, like that of your engine, DataKeeper troubleshooting too can be consolidated to the following areas of:
Referencing back to the “traffic light” identifiers in the Console Tree on the DataKeeper UI, let’s take a look “under the hood” to identify the state of the Mirror(s). As a driver would take their car in for either to fix a problem or perform regular service, the dealership’s Technical Advisor or Service Technician, will plug in a OBD connector (On-board Diagnostic) to get a general idea of where the problem may be occurring (combustion, electrical or other) Identify Mirror Status Colors to Diagnose DataKeeper IssuesAs a user that’s supporting/driving DataKeeper, your first level of triage should be to identify those “color” changes of the mirror to confirm if Storage, Network or Other have been impacting users, performance, etc. Those identifiers are affectionately called Mirror definitions. The mirror status, similar to the OBD, can be identified by launching a command called “emcmd . getmirrorvolinfo <drive letter>“. Note: To get to the “emcmd” commands, (which, by the way, stands for Extended Mirroring Command), we can launch an elevated (Administrator) command prompt as follows:
The output will be displayed as “# hostname #” The 1st integer represents the role of the Mirror, (1 = Source, 2 = Target) As for the Last integer, there are 6 states a Mirror can obtain: 1 – Mirroring (Green) 2 – Mirror is Resyncing (Yellow) 3 – Mirror is Broken (Red) 4 – Mirror is Pause (Yellow) 5 – Resyc is Pending (Yellow) With several variations – just as it pertains to your car or DataKeeper – one must obtain a starting point to identify the “pain points”
Looking under the Hood: Preventive Steps to Take Before You Scale your Clustered ResourcesStorage Do your homework. Infrastructure and Database Administrators want to scale their storage to meet growing demands. They are very knowledgeable about the tasks at hand but if performed incorrectly or in the wrong order, the Mirror colors in DataKeeper could be Red, Yellow or none. See our documentation and supporting video on How to Properly Resize Your Storage. Network Easily avoid full resynchs. Infrastructure and database admins may want to segment existing mirror(s) traffic to a different network without any downtime or loss of High Availability. Can you imagine not having HA for re-creating a new mirror and having to perform a FULL Resync for a couple of Terabytes or even a Petabyte of data? See our documentation and supporting video on how this can be achieved with ease Other (Security) Understand password management. Password policies may change via prescribed timeframes in Active Directory. If this is unbeknownst to the Administrators, and if the SIOS DataKeeper Service is restarted, the password that has been changed for the SIOS DataKeeper Service account (Active Directory) is NOT propagated automatically. Therefore a manual update of the Service Account Password is required within the Service applet. (services.msc) For proper usage of SIOS DataKeeper Service Accounts view our supporting documentation Managing DataKeeper Across Multiple Departments to Avoid DowntimeYour car can have multiple drivers, different Service Technicians, different road conditions and the like. DataKeeper is no different as there may be cross-functional departments that are responsible for Storage, Network, Security and other, that could adversely impact DataKeeper. There may be related clustered resources that have relationships/dependencies with DataKeeper.These departments perform tasks without the DataKeeper Administrator’s knowledge and just like the dashboard lights in your cars, your mirrors will display those “traffic light” colors; noticeably Yellow and Red. Checklist for Monitoring DataKeeper Mirror Status and Infrastructure Changes
Contact SIOS Support for DataKeeper IssuesIf your car has gone “kaput” and left you on the side of the road, you’ll likely reach out to AAA and they’ll provide a tow truck. Reproduced with permission from SIOS |
August 18, 2024 |
Webinar: Empowering Education: Enhancing System Availability with SIOS SolutionsWebinar: Empowering Education: Enhancing System Availability with SIOS SolutionsRegister for the On-Demand WebinarNavigating the challenges of modern education requires more than just innovative teaching methods; it demands robust technological support. This webinar discusses the pivotal roles of High Availability (HA) and Disaster Recovery (DR) in ensuring uninterrupted learning experiences. Discover how institutions can effectively manage peak seasons, cater to global student demographics, and handle potential system failures. With a special spotlight on SIOS high availability solutions, learn how to build a resilient, cost-effective, and user-friendly IT infrastructure. Reproduced with permission from SIOS |
August 14, 2024 |
Webinar: Exploring the Benefits of Single Server Protection High AvailabilityWebinar: Exploring the Benefits of Single Server Protection High AvailabilityFor most organizations, maintaining reliable uptime and continuity is crucial, especially for business essential applications. But what about your other applications? It is important to consider applications with less criticality and plan for improving their availability. Single Server Protection High Availability is the solution. Watch this on-demand webinar to learn about Single Server Protection High Availability (SSP-HA), how it differs from other HA solutions and how to leverage it in your IT environment. Reproduced with permission from SIOS |